Unveiling the Appetite of Jumping Spiders

Unveiling the Appetite of Jumping Spiders

When it comes to dining preferences, jumping spiders are anything but picky eaters. These tiny, agile arachnids have a diverse and intriguing palate that reflects their remarkable hunting abilities and adaptability. From insects to other spiders, their menu covers a wide range of options.

Variety on the Menu:

Jumping spiders are known for their exceptional hunting skills, and their diverse prey preferences play a crucial role in their survival and success as predators. Their diet consists of:

  • Insects: The bulk of a jumping spider’s diet is made up of various insects. They are skilled hunters, using their keen vision and impressive jumping abilities to pounce on flying or crawling insects.
  • Other Spiders: Surprisingly, some jumping spider species don’t hesitate to make a meal out of their fellow arachnids. They can identify and attack other spider species, relying on their agility and quick reflexes to overpower their prey.
  • Small Arthropods: In addition to insects and spiders, jumping spiders might also target smaller arthropods like mites, springtails, and other tiny creatures that share their habitat.

Hunting Techniques:

Jumping spiders don’t rely on webs to catch their prey like many other spider species do. Instead, they actively hunt using a combination of stalking and leaping:

  • Stalking: Jumping spiders stalk their prey by slowly moving closer, using their exceptional vision to track the target’s movements.
  • Leaping: Once the jumping spider gets within striking distance, it uses its powerful hind legs to leap onto the prey. This lightning-fast attack catches the prey off-guard, making it difficult for them to escape.

Behaviour and Ecology

Visual Predators:

Jumping spiders are visual predators with excellent eyesight, thanks to their large, front-facing eyes. This keen vision enables them to identify potential prey from a distance, track their movements, and accurately judge when to make their move.

Prey Size and Selection:

Jumping spiders exhibit some flexibility in their prey choices, but certain factors influence their decisions:

  • Size: Jumping spiders typically go for prey that is within their own size range or slightly smaller. This ensures they can overpower and consume their catch efficiently.
  • Behavior: Jumping spiders tend to target prey that is active and moving, as their hunting strategy relies on anticipating and intercepting movements.


Jumping spiders’ prey preferences can vary depending on their habitat, availability of prey, and their own physiological requirements. This adaptability in their diet is likely a key factor contributing to their success as a diverse and widespread group of spiders. Do you have a pet jumping spider? Here’s a complete guide on how to feed jumping spiders.


Jumping spiders’ prey preferences highlight their versatility and resourcefulness as predators. Their ability to hunt a wide range of prey items using their exceptional vision and dynamic hunting techniques is a testament to their evolutionary success. Whether they’re leaping onto unsuspecting insects or carefully stalking fellow spiders, these agile arachnids have earned their place as some of nature’s most fascinating and skilled predators.